schedule for TR2 and C++0x

TR2와 C++0x의 스케줄이 잡혔다는군요. boost의 threads, filesystem, signals가 제안될 계획이라는 군요. (물론 TR2로 겠죠.) thread를 사용하기 위해서 boost 전체를 설치해야한다는 게 부담스러워서, 따로 thread library를 만들기도 했었는데요. 표준화가 된다면 얘기가 달라질 것 같군요. boost의 위상이 점점 높아만 가는군요. production에서 boost를 쓰는 것도 별 무리가 없지 않을까요?

From: Beman Dawes <>
To: Boost mailing list <>
Date: Apr 23, 2005 12:20 AM
Subject: [boost] TR2 and C++0x heads up
The C++ standards committee’s Library Working Group has proposed a schedule
for library changes and extensions:

    * October 2005: cutoff date for C++0x major library proposals
    * October 2006: cutoff date for library TR2 proposals
    * April 2007: cutoff date for C++0x library clean-up papers

The usual rule-of-thumb is that new library components go in TR2, while
changes to existing components go in C++0x. The LWG will consider
exceptions to the rule on a case-by-case basis.

The LWG is planning to issue a “Call for Proposals” with details, but in
the meantime Boost developers might want to start thinking about which
Boost libraries they want to propose to the LWG. Because most proposals go
through one or more revisions before being accepted, it helps a proposal’s
chances if it reaches the committee as many meetings as possible before the
final cut-off.

So far there are plans to propose Boost.Threads, Boost.Filesystem, and
Boost.Signals. As well as proposals for some of the more major libraries, I
personally hope someone will do a sweep through Boost looking at some of
the smaller utilities and helpers for a possible “Small Additions”


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