OOPSLA '2004

OOPSLA는 10월 24일부터 시작하는 Object technology에 관한 ACM conference이다. 본인도 참석하려 하였으나, 제출한 paper가 accept되지 않는 바람에, 기분이 나빠서 안가기로 했다..는 것은 농담. 아직도 병역의 의무를 다하지 못한 본인은, keyword라도 살펴볼 생각에, 프로그램이나 살펴보기로 하였다.

개인적으로 눈에 띄는 topic을 다룬 것들을 몇몇 뽑아보았다. Google에서 찾을 수 있는 것들은 link도 걸어놓았으니, 참고.


  • Model-Driven Software Development: Introduction & Best Practices
    Markus Voelter, Indepdendent Consultant
    Jorn Bettin, SoftMetaWare
  • Scrum and Agile Project Management
    Angelika Langer, Independant Trainer/Mentor/Consultant
  • Generative Software Development http://www.swen.uwaterloo.ca/~kczarnec/gsdoverview.pdf
    Krzysztof Czarnecki, University of Waterloo
    Jack Greenfield, Microsoft Corporation
  • Feature Oriented Programming and Product-Lines http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=776935 (ACM Portal로의 link이니 필요한 사람은 개인적으로 contact 바람.)
    Don Batory, University of Texas at Austin
  • Testing Component-Based Software
    John McGregor, Clemson University

Practitioner Reports

  • Synchronization-Free Concurrency: Comparing the RTSJ to C++
    Daniel Dvorak & William Reinholtz, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

Technical Papers


  • Patterns for Retrospectives http://www.cs.unca.edu/~manns/retropatterns.html
    Linda Rising, Independent Consultant
    Mary Lynn Manns, University of North Carolina at Asheville
  • Early Aspects 2004: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design http://www.early-aspects.net/events/oopsla04ws
    Ana Moreira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
    Awais Rashid, University of Lancaster
    Elisa Baniassad, Trinity College
    Bedir Tekinerdogan, University of Twente
    Paul Clements, Carnegie Mellon University
    Joao Araujo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  • Component And Middleware Performance http://nenya.ms.mff.cuni.cz/projects/corba/oopsla-workshop
    Petr Tuma, Charles University, Czech Republic
    Paul Brebner, University College London, United Kingdom
    Emmanuel Cecchet, INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France
  • Objects in Large Distributed Applications III (OLDA-III) http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~pd/OLDA3/
    Peter Dickman, University of Glasgow
    Karen Renaud, University of Glasgow
    Huw Evans, Kelvin Institute

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