2003 Recommended Reading List – SF Novels

아, 부러워. 언제쯤 우리나라에서도 저런 소설들을 마음대로 골라읽을 수 있을까.
Science Fiction Novels

  • The Line of Polity, Neal Asher (Tor UK)
  • Coalescent, Stephen Baxter (Gollancz; Del Rey)
  • Darwin뭩 Children, Greg Bear (Del Rey)
  • Pattern Recognition, William Gibson (Putnam)
  • Felaheen: The Third Arabesk, Jon Courtenay Grimwood (Earthlight)
  • The Lost Steersman, Rosemary Kirstein (Del Rey)
  • Nothing Human, Nancy Kress (Golden Gryphon)
  • Omega, Jack McDevitt (Ace)
  • Speed of Dark, Elizabeth Moon (Orbit 2002; Ballantine)
  • Memory, Linda Nagata (Tor)
  • Sister Alice, Robert Reed (Orbit; Tor)
  • Absolution Gap, Alastair Reynolds (Gollancz; Ace 2004)
  • Natural History, Justina Robson (Macmillan)
  • Ilium, Dan Simmons (Subterranean; Eos)
  • Quicksilver, Neal Stephenson (Morrow)
  • Singularity Sky, Charles Stross (Ace)
  • Maul, Tricia Sullivan (Orbit)
  • Succession: The Risen Empire; The Killing of Worlds, Scott Westerfeld (Tor – two volumes; SFBC)
  • The Poison Master, Liz Williams (Bantam Spectra)
  • Blind Lake, Robert Charles Wilson (Tor)
  • The Golden Age: The Phoenix Exultant; The Golden Transcendence, John C. Wright (Tor – two volumes)

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