Slashdot Today

Ridgelift writes “CRN is reporting the release of Linux 2.6.0 in mid-December. ‘Torvalds, Linux’s lead developer and now an OSDL Fellow, and Linux kernel …
An anonymous reader writes “Linus Torvalds has released his final 2.6.0-test kernel, calling it the ‘Beaver In Detox’. Following this release, Linus says that …
이제 얼마 안남았군, second PC setup해서 설치해보아야 할 듯.
An anonymous reader writes “Swedish media report that 22-year-old Elin Oxenhielm, a student at Stockholm University, has solved a chunk of one of the major …
  • More on Hilbert’s 23 problems: hilbert/problems.html
  • More on David Hilbert: Mathematicians/Hilbert.html
  • More on Elin Oxenhielm:
    Kulic writes “Wired is running a story about using subdermal RFID microchips to pay for goods. Applied Digital Solutions are marketing the VeriChip as the …
    electronic device의 Implants가 이제 대중들에게 보급될 것인가.
    아니면 바코드가 될 것인가. =_=
    Martin Berger writes “Turing Award (1991) winner Robin Milner is one of the most influential computer scientists. He may not be as well-known as he deserves to …
    CowboyRobot writes “ACM Queue has an interview with Peter Ford, chief architect for MSN Messenger, by Eric Allman, CTO of Sendmail. They discuss the present …
    A Conversation with Peter Ford
    XMPP in IETF

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